LAST CHANCE FOR PICTURES!, News (Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 06, 2023 | Sarah Camacho | 324 views
Photographers are coming back to our region for one last chance for a number of teams in the area!

The final chance will be held on Monday January 16th at Delpark Arena in Oshawa. Any player or bench staff that missed picture day can attend between 5:30pm-8:00pm in the Leisure Room.

They will match you up with your team - it is important to tell them correctly which team you are on from Newcastle. 

Individual / Team pictures will be ready a few weeks after this is all done. Everyone can still order other items such as cards, magents, etc and there is an order line with QRCODE coming soon. 

MUST ENSURE PLAYER WEARS SAME COLOUR AS THE TEAM DID ON PICTURE NIGHT, BENCH STAFF IN DARK OR TEAM COLORS! (full uniform except for helmet and mouth/neck guards and skates....and don't forget to bring your gloves and stick)

Location Details:

Location: Delpark Homes Arena (in Leisure Room)
Date: Monday January 16th from 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Address: 1661 Harmony Rd N, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K5
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