COACH EVALUATIONS!, News (Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 18, 2023 | Sarah Camacho | 523 views
Please take the time to fill out the coach evaluation form! 

The information you provide will not only be used to help select coaches for next year and in the future, this evaluation process is designed to provide performance metrics to NVMHA as we move within and between seasons.

All coaches are volunteering their time and knowledge of the game to help the association and its members succeed. The NVMHA appreciates the time these coaches are providing to this organization and feel this evaluation is a tool to help recognize their strengths and weaknesses while also measuring the enjoyment and successes of our most important members....the players.

All forms submitted will be anonymous unless you choose to put your name on the form. The NVMHA thanks you for your time! Coach evaluation forms can be found HERE

We are ALSO still accepting applications for REP coaches at all levels. Please find the application HERE

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