Santa Clause Parade: A Local Win, News (Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association)

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Nov 22, 2023 | webmaster | 970 views
Santa Clause Parade: A Local Win
We are thrilled to announce that the Newcastle Stars' involvement in the Santa Claus Parade was a resounding success!


Setting a new record for the Clarington East Food Bank, the Newcastle Stars' participation in the Santa Claus Parade was a monumental success. Thanks to the collective efforts of our community, we achieved the highest number of food donations ever.

We are thrilled to celebrate this achievement and extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved. The members of Newcastle Hockey showed relentless dedication in organizing and participating in the event, demonstrating extraordinary commitment. Our coaches, parents, and bench staff displayed exceptional coordination skills, ensuring the parade's smooth execution.

A special acknowledgment is due to the young players, who not only collected donations but also exhibited immense generosity and team pride. Their joy and enthusiasm were infectious throughout the evening. Lastly, the overwhelming support and kindness from our community played a pivotal role in this achievement.

Your contribution made this year's parade not just a festive celebration but a beacon of joy and compassion in our community. We are deeply grateful to all who made this possible and look forward to continuing this tradition of generosity and community spirit.


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