Open Board Positions and Nominations, News (Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 04, 2024 | webmaster | 957 views
Open Board Positions and Nominations
Support your child's passion for hockey by volunteering with the NVMHAI Board of Directors! 🏒

Per the NVMHAI Bylaws each Board Member is renominated every 2 years. This is an open and transparent process that allows the NVMHAI membership (you) to have a direct say in the administration of Minor Hockey in Newcastle.

Each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) members wishing to serve another 2-year term are re-voted in by the NVMHAI membership.

After the AGM this year we still have several positions open. If you would like to be a part of the Board and help the organization for the better please consider one of the available positions listed below:

Open Board Positions for the 2024-2025 Season

  • Local League (CHL) Representative (VACANT):
  • OMHA Representative (VACANT):
  • Website Coordinator (VACANT):
  • Equipment Representative (VACANT)



Q: Who qualifies as a NVMHAI Member?

A: NVMHAI members are categorized into three main groups, each with specific qualifications and voting rights (NVMHAI Bylaws 7.1):
  1. Active Membership: This group includes elected or appointed Directors, officials, convenors, coaches, managers, trainers for the current season, and registered players who are at least 18 years of age and have paid their registration fees. Members in this category are entitled to one vote per registered family at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or any other general meetings.
  2. Parent/Guardian Membership: Parents or legal guardians of registered players under 18 years old, in good standing, fall into this category. A custodial couple or a single parent is entitled to one vote and can attend the AGM, other general meetings, and, if invited, Board and Committee meetings.
  3. Honorary Lifetime Membership: Individuals who have provided extraordinary service to NVMHA can be nominated for this prestigious non-voting membership, which is confirmed by a majority Board vote. Honorary members may attend AGM and other meetings as guests.

Q: Do I qualify to apply for the Board?
To determine if you qualify to apply for a Director position within NVMHAI, ensure the following criteria are met (NVMHAI Bylaws 10.1):

  1. Nomination Period: You must apply after January 31st when the Nomination Forms are made available.
  2. Membership Status: You and your two nominators must be members of NVMHAI and in good standing.
  3. Nomination Form: A completed Nomination Form, endorsed by two members in good standing, must be submitted 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) unless position remains vacant.

For any other questions please email [email protected] 

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