Become an OMHA Referee - Register Now, News (Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 03, 2024 | Webmaster | 243 views
Become an OMHA Referee - Register Now
Enhanced Entry Level Program to train and mentor new officials.

2024 Referee Schools (Enhanced Entry Level Program) Details


With the introduction of a new format this year, there will be seven schools. The weekends will include classroom instructional sessions, on-ice training and a written certification exam.

NOTE: For interested new officials - contact your local Minor Hockey Association to confirm a need for new officials, when games are scheduled and how this best fits your schedule.

The OMHA Referee Schools provide new officials with methods and procedures of officiating in both the 2 and 3 official systems, as well as the new guidelines for modified ice hockey. They will also instruct uniform interpretation of the rules while teaching effective communication strategies and techniques. Students will acquire officiating skills and rule knowledge while completing OMHA and Hockey Canada qualification requirements for the upcoming season.

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