OMHA Introduces New ‘Green Arm Band’ to Support Young Officials, News (Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 24, 2024 | webmaster | 270 views
OMHA Introduces New ‘Green Arm Band’ to Support Young Officials
New initiative meant to serve as reminder for players as well as parents to respect officials.

The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) has launched a new initiative where on-ice officials under 18 will wear a green arm band. This is meant to remind players, coaches, and spectators to respect young referees. The program aims to address the growing issue of verbal abuse toward officials, which has driven many to quit. The OMHA hopes this effort will foster a safer and more supportive environment.

"70% of officials ranked “love of the sport” as their primary reason for officiating, but 55% ranked verbal abuse as the number one reason for quitting."

Despite no major loss of officials, the OMHA has noted a high number of penalties involving abuse toward referees. The Green Arm Band initiative complements existing campaigns like #NoRefNoGame, aiming to improve respect for officials at games. Other sports organizations in Canada are also implementing similar initiatives to address the issue of referee abuse.

The goal is to educate players and spectators about the importance of treating officials, especially minors, with patience and respect. This initiative aims to prevent the problem seen in other sports, where declining numbers of referees are jeopardizing the future of the game. The OMHA's move has been well-received by young officials, who believe it could lead to positive changes in hockey culture.

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