2024/2025 Refund Policy
Membership Fees and Refund Policy
1. Membership Fees include registration fees and Rep team fees. Rep team fees only apply to those players choosing to play NVMHAI Rep hockey.
2. Registration fees shall be established annually by the Budget Committee and approved by the Board prior to the Annual General Meeting.
3. Refunds requested before the season start are subject to a $50 administrative fee as well as credit card processing fee, registration system fees.
4. A minimum charge of $50 will apply for any registration fee refund issued after October 1st, and the amount to be refunded will be prorated by the Treasurer with the approval from the Board of Directors.
5. Registration fees for any unexpired term of membership are not refundable after November 1st.
6. Registration fee must be paid in full or on payment plan in order to participate in NVMHAI Rep tryouts.
7. No player shall be removed from a team without the permission of the NVMHAI Board of Directors (the Board). A coach needs to make a formal (written) request to the Board to remove a player. Once a player has been committed to a representative team, the coach and player are mutually committed for the year.
8. Rep/AE team fees will be established by September 1st at the latest and shall be paid in installments agreed upon by Team Manager, Coach and parents. Installments can start as early as May once team has been finalized. All team fees must be paid in full by December 1st.
9. For the purpose of this article, refunds will only apply to fees paid.
a) Any fundraising participation or monies WILL NOT be included in the calculation of any refund.
b) Rep/AE teams receiving funding from “sponsors” need to be approved by the Sponsorship Rep. Sponsorship cheques are to be made payable to NVMHAI, not directly to the team or team rep and in return the team will receive a credit on their NVMHAI Rep Fee. c) No refunds will be given for outside sponsorship without consent of the Board of Directors.
10. Rep/AE team fees for any unexpired term of membership are not refundable by the NVMHAI. Refunds of Rep/AE team fees will be payable from the Rep/AE team’s own funds and will be based on the attached schedule through collaboration with the team rep and the NVMHAI Treasurer.
11. If a player quits or is removed from the team for just cause, the board will assess the status of a refund.
Withdrawals from the season prior on or before September 30,2024 will receive a 100% refund of the overall registration fees paid less a $50 administrative fee, the associated credit card processing fee and registration system fees.
All future pre-authorized payments must be cancelled by the member.
Withdrawals from the season on or before October 31,2024 will receive a 50% refund of the overall registration fees paid minus the $50 administrative fee. Once a player has skated NVMHAI has paid costs for the player which can not be refunded. These include the OMHA and Hockey Canada assessment and insurance fees, the player’s jersey and socks, credit card processing fee, registration system fees and administrative costs incurred to put your player on a team.
All future pre-authorized payments must be cancelled.
Withdrawals from the season after November 1st, 2024 will be at the discretion of the board. No refunds will be provided to players who voluntarily withdraw after November 1st, 2024 for any reason.
Refunds related to injuries/illnesses must be requested online through the refund website link, and must be submitted within 30-days of the date of the injury. A copy of the doctor’s note must be provided to NVMHAI, before the refund can be assessed.
All refunds will follow this structure, regardless of registration date:
The OMHA Insurance fee is $48.18 per player.
The PaySafe Fees are $2.60 per $100 registration fee paid (2.1% of total plus $0.20 per transaction plus HST).
**Should we be unable to fill a program, NVMHAI reserves the right to cancel the program and provide the participants a prorated refund based on number of ice times used.
If the program is shut down for public health reasons we are offering a prorated refund to all affected players based on the number of ice times used and the date of closure by the public health unit. The following fees include the OMHA and Hockey Canada assessment and insurance fees, the player’s jersey and socks, credit card processing fee, registration system fees and administrative costs incurred to put your player on a team will not be refunded.
The assessment will occur at the end of the season. The Board of Directors will monitor the actual costs incurred by both the House League and Representative programs as the season progresses.ma
How To Get a Refund:
Refunds MUST be requested by completing the Refund Request Form (link below).
All refunds will be reviewed by the treasurer and registrar.
If you have pre-authorized payments please tick the box these need to be cancelled by the registrar 5 days prior to the 15th.
Refunds may take a little more time than normal to be issued.
Cheques will be mailed out based on the information provided on the online form.
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].
This refund only pertains to fees paid to the League and does not include fees paid to play Rep or AE hockey.
Click to access our Refund Request Form.