2023/24 NVMHAI AGM! 
📢 All members in good standing are invited to attend the NVMHAI AGM!
📅 Sunday, April 21, 2024
📍 Newcastle Memorial Arena
🕒 2:00-5:00pm
There will be a discussion of various items, Q&A session, Review of financial statement, Vote on new By-Law amendments, Update on the 2024/25 season, Election of the 2024/25 Executive Committee and more.
Board Positions: If you or someone you know would serve well in an Executive position, please consider applying for one of the open Board Positions. Applications can be found
By-Law Amendments: To review changes to the current by-laws to be presented at the AGM for voting please click
This season we have scheduled the AGM on it's own day as feedback showed that people felt rushed in seasons past.
The 2023/24 Annual Banquet will be held on the following Sunday April 28, 2024.
Additional details and confirmations to follow. Stay tuned!