Concussion Protocol (Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association)

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OHF Rowan’s Law: Concussion Protocol

The Ontario Hockey Federation has been working with Hockey Canada on the implementation of Rowan’s Law since the adoption of the Rowan’s Law Concussion Safety on March 7, 2018. The intent of Rowan’s Law is to create awareness of concussion, change the culture on concussion and provide safe sport participation.

The Ontario Hockey Federation was informed by the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport on June 18, 2019 that the Rowan’s Law Act and Regulations must be implemented by July 1, 2019. Therefore, after July 1, 2019 every Player, Team Official and On-Ice Official (parent as well if individual under 18) in order to register/participate must review the OHF Concussion Code of Conduct and the appropriate Concussion Awareness Resources. 


Please read and review the following document that applies to your child:


Upon registration the Rowan's Law Acknowledgement Form will be completed.


If you have any questions, please contact your Team Manager or email