Information (Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association)



Select Hockey: 

A Category of Minor Hockey, in which in order to be eligible, a Player must be Registered with a recognized (sanctioned) House/Local League organization and accordingly be an active participant in the corresponding Division in a recognized (sanctioned) schedule of House/Local League programming. Select Players are not required to abide by residential regulations.

OMHA Regulations

4.4 Select

a) A Select Team is a team comprised of players selected from affiliated House League or LocalLeague teams in a Centre. All players must be eligible by age.

b) All teams must be registered on an electronic roster.

c) Teams may roster a maximum of nineteen (19) players with the exception of U18 and above which may roster twenty￾five (25) players. Select teams are not required to declare a goaltender on its roster with the understanding that a maximum of 17 skaters can be dressed for any game.

At the beginning of each game, including exhibition games, a Select League team shall not have more than eighteen (18) players, in uniform, including a goaltender. The team may also, if it wishes, dress a spare goaltender, who will be in addition to the eighteen, and who shall play only in goal.

d) Select Team rosters must be submitted to the Regional Director or their designate for approval prior to participation.

e) Players are not eligible to be registered with more than one “Rostered” Select Team in a Centre in a season.

f) The number of exhibition games allowed is three (3) per month and the number of tournaments allowed is three (3) per season. Any adjustments or amendments in excess of these numbers must be approved in writing by the Regional Director or OMHA appointed Convenor.

g) Permission to participate in exhibition games within the OHF must be obtained via the OMHA Portal and approved by the Regional Director, appointed OMHA Area Convenor or designate.

h) Permission to participate in exhibition games outside the OHF must be obtained from the OMHA Executive Director via the OMHA Portal. The application will not be approved until the Centre has submitted the applicable fee.

i) Permission to participate in tournaments within the OMHA must be obtained via the OMHA Portal and approved by the Regional Director, appointed OMHA Area Convenor or designate.

j) Permission to participate in tournaments outside the OMHA must be obtained from the OMHA Executive Director via the OMHA Portal. The application will not be approved until the Centre has submitted the applicable fee.

k) Participation on a Select Team is not considered an OMHA affiliation. 

l) A Select Team may not affiliate players.

m) Players rostered to a higher age division team in House/Local League are allowed to be rostered to the Select team in their own age division, provided the rostering team is not eligible for OHF, Provincial or Regional Championships.